28+ Kpop Vs Anime Fans Gif. Why does everyone seem to be unbothered by kpop fangirls. Taken straight from google trends, kpop the influence of kpop vs anime is a different story.
Your 15th pic is the reason y she is blushing. عدد المشاهدات 32 ألفسنوات قبل. > anime openings/endings vs kpop.
But then again what is the definition of normal?
Comment down below if you relate to any of these things and if your a kpop fan, otaku, or both! How many anime fan is there vs kpop? Kpop is no where near the level anime/manga is on sorry not even close.also i'm sure a lot more people travel to japan because they watch anime than people travel to korea for kpop(bts). Do you even try anymore.